
autoExpandBulletsGroup : boolean Should the bullet pool run out of bullets (i.e. they are all in flight) then thisboolean controls if the Group will create a brand new bullet object or not. Source code: plugins/weapon/WeaponPlugin.js (Line 46)


addBulletAnimation(name, frames, frameRate, loop, useNumericIndex) → {Phaser.Weapon} Adds a new animation under the given key. Optionally set the frames, frame rate and loop.The arguments are all the same as for Animation.add, and work in the same way. Weapon.bulletAnimation will be set to this animation after it's created. From that point on, allbullets fired will play using this animation. You can swap between animations by calling this methodseveral times, and then just changing the Weapon


width : number The width of the video in pixels. Source code: gameobjects/Video.js (Line 58)


volume : number Gets or sets the volume of the Video, a value between 0 and 1. The value given is clamped to the range 0 to 1. Source code: gameobjects/Video.js (Line 1305)


videoStream :MediaStream The Video Stream data. Only set if this Video is streaming from the webcam via startMediaStream. Source code: gameobjects/Video.js (Line 135)


new Video(game, key, url) A Video object that takes a previously loaded Video from the Phaser Cache and handles playback of it. Alternatively it takes a getUserMedia feed from an active webcam and streams the contents of that tothe Video instead (see startMediaStream method) The video can then be applied to a Sprite as a texture. If multiple Sprites share the same Video texture and playbackchanges (i.e. you pause the video, or seek to a new time) then this change will be seen across all Sprit


updateTexture(event, width, height) Called automatically if the video source changes and updates the internal texture dimensions.Then dispatches the onChangeSource signal. Parameters Name Type Argument Description event object <optional> The event which triggered the texture update. width integer <optional> The new width of the video. If undefined video.videoWidth is used. height integer <optional> The new height of the video. If undefined video.videoHeight is used


unlock() Enables the video on mobile devices, usually after the first touch.If the SoundManager hasn't been unlocked then this will automatically unlock that as well.Only one video can be pending unlock at any one time. Source code: gameobjects/Video.js (Line 1046)


type : number The const type of this object. Source code: gameobjects/Video.js (Line 70)


touchLocked : boolean true if this video is currently locked awaiting a touch event. This happens on some mobile devices, such as iOS. Source code: gameobjects/Video.js (Line 81)