
bulletFrameRandom : boolean If you've added a set of frames via Weapon.setBulletFrames then you can optionallychose for each Bullet fired to pick a random frame from the set. Source code: plugins/weapon/WeaponPlugin.js (Line 119)


bulletFrameCycle : boolean If you've added a set of frames via Weapon.setBulletFrames then you can optionallychose for each Bullet fired to use the next frame in the set. The frame index is thenadvanced one frame until it reaches the end of the set, then it starts from the startagain. Cycling frames like this allows you to create varied bullet effects viasprite sheets. Source code: plugins/weapon/WeaponPlugin.js (Line 129)


bulletFrame : string | integer The Texture Frame that the Bullets use when rendering.Changing this has no effect on bullets in-flight, only on newly spawned bullets. Type string | integer Source code: plugins/weapon/WeaponPlugin.js (Line 221)


bulletCollideWorldBounds : boolean Should bullets collide with the World bounds or not? Source code: plugins/weapon/WeaponPlugin.js (Line 1199)


bulletClass : Object The Class of the bullets that are launched by this Weapon. Defaults Phaser.Bullet, but can beoverridden before calling createBullets and set to your own class type. Source code: plugins/weapon/WeaponPlugin.js (Line 1111)


bulletAnimation : string The string based name of the animation that the Bullet will be given on launch.This is set via Weapon.addBulletAnimation. Source code: plugins/weapon/WeaponPlugin.js (Line 112)


bulletAngleVariance : number This is a variance added to the angle of Bullets when they are fired.If you fire from an angle of 90 and have a bulletAngleVariance of 20 then the actualangle of the Bullets will be between 70 and 110 degrees. This is a quick way to add agreat 'spread' effect to a Weapon. Source code: plugins/weapon/WeaponPlugin.js (Line 162)


bulletAngleOffset : number An optional angle offset applied to the Bullets when they are launched.This is useful if for example your bullet sprites have been drawn facing up, instead ofto the right, and you want to fire them at an angle. In which case you can set theangle offset to be 90 and they'll be properly rotated when fired. Source code: plugins/weapon/WeaponPlugin.js (Line 153)


bounds : Phaser.Rectangle This Rectangle defines the bounds that are used when determining if a Bullet should be killed or not.It's used in combination with Weapon.bulletKillType when that is set to either Phaser.Weapon.KILL_WEAPON_BOUNDSor Phaser.Weapon.KILL_STATIC_BOUNDS. If you are not using either of these kill types then the bounds are ignored.If you are tracking a Sprite or Point then the bounds are centered on that object every frame. Source code: plugins/weapon/WeaponPlugin.js (Line


autofire : boolean Will this weapon auto fire? If set to true then a new bullet will be firedbased on the fireRate value. Source code: plugins/weapon/WeaponPlugin.js (Line 53)