Train error vs Test error

Illustration of how the performance of an estimator on unseen data (test data) is not the same as the performance on training data. As the regularization increases

2017-01-15 04:27:16
Underfitting vs.

This example demonstrates the problems of underfitting and overfitting and how we can use linear regression with polynomial features to approximate nonlinear functions

2017-01-15 04:27:21
Receiver Operating Characteristic with cross validation

Example of Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) metric to evaluate classifier output quality using cross-validation. ROC

2017-01-15 04:25:19
Nested versus non-nested cross-validation

This example compares non-nested and nested cross-validation strategies on a classifier of the iris data set. Nested cross-validation (CV) is often

2017-01-15 04:24:45
Plotting Validation Curves

In this plot you can see the training scores and validation scores of an SVM for different values of the kernel parameter gamma. For very low values of gamma, you

2017-01-15 04:25:03
Receiver Operating Characteristic

Example of Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) metric to evaluate classifier output quality. ROC curves typically feature true positive rate

2017-01-15 04:25:19
Plotting Learning Curves

On the left side the learning curve of a naive Bayes classifier is shown for the digits dataset. Note that the training score and the cross-validation score are both

2017-01-15 04:25:02
Parameter estimation using grid search with cross-validation

This examples shows how a classifier is optimized by cross-validation, which is done using the

2017-01-15 04:24:53

Example of Precision-Recall metric to evaluate classifier output quality. In information retrieval, precision is a measure of result relevancy, while recall is a measure

2017-01-15 04:25:03
Comparing randomized search and grid search for hyperparameter estimation

Compare randomized search and grid search for optimizing hyperparameters of a random forest. All parameters that influence

2017-01-15 04:20:48