Sample usage of Nearest Neighbors classification. It will plot the decision boundaries for each class.
This example studies the scalability profile of approximate 10-neighbors queries using the LSHForest with n_estimators=20 and
This shows an example of a neighbors-based query (in particular a kernel density estimate) on geospatial data, using a Ball Tree built upon
This example demonstrates the behaviour of the accuracy of the nearest neighbor queries of Locality Sensitive Hashing Forest as the number
This example shows how kernel density estimation (KDE), a powerful non-parametric density estimation technique, can be used to learn a generative model for a dataset
This example uses the
Demonstrate the resolution of a regression problem using a k-Nearest Neighbor and the interpolation of the target using both barycenter and constant weights.
Sample usage of Nearest Centroid classification. It will plot the decision boundaries for each class.