destroy() Stops the Keyboard event listeners from running (keydown and keyup). They are removed from the window.Also clears all
[readonly] lastKey : Phaser.Key
reset(hard) Resets all Keys. Parameters
clearCaptures() Clear all set key captures. Source code:
addKeys(keys) → {object} A practical way to create an object containing user selected hotkeys.
callbackContext : Object The context under which the callbacks are run. Source
event : Object The most recent DOM event from keydown or keyup. This is updated every time a new key is pressed or released.
removeKey(keycode) Removes a Key object from the Keyboard manager. Parameters
onDownCallback : Function This callback is invoked every time a key is pressed down, including key repeats when a key is held down
addKeyCapture(keycode) By default when a key is pressed Phaser will not stop the event from propagating up to the browser.There
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