<static> setBackgroundColor(canvas, color) → {HTMLCanvasElement}
<static> setTouchAction(canvas, value) → {HTMLCanvasElement}
new Canvas() The Canvas class handles everything related to creating the canvas DOM tag that Phaser will use,including
<static> setTransform(context, translateX, translateY, scaleX, scaleY, skewX, skewY) → {Canvas
<static> getSmoothingPrefix(context) → {string | null} Gets
<static> create(parent, width, height, id
<static> removeFromDOM(canvas) Removes the given canvas element from the DOM.
<static> setUserSelect(canvas, value) → {HTMLCanvasElement}
<static> addToDOM(canvas, parent, overflowHidden) → {HTMLCanvasElement}
<static> getSmoothingEnabled(context) → {boolean} Returns
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