operator.__ipow__(a, b) a = ipow(a, b) is equivalent to a **= b.
operator.__and__(a, b) Return the bitwise and of a and b.
operator.countOf(a, b) Return the number of occurrences of b in a.
@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=128, typed=False) Decorator to wrap a function with a memoizing callable that saves up to the maxsize
operator.invert(obj) operator.__inv__(obj) operator.__invert__(obj) Return
operator.setitem(a, b, c) operator.__setitem__(a, b, c) Set the value of a at index b to c
partial.args The leftmost positional arguments that will be prepended to the positional arguments provided to a partial
operator.delitem(a, b) operator.__delitem__(a, b) Remove the value of a at index b.
operator.itemgetter(item) operator.itemgetter(*items) Return a callable object that fetches item from its
operator.isub(a, b) operator.__isub__(a, b) a = isub(a, b) is equivalent to a -= b.
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