operator.__rshift__(a, b) Return a shifted right by b.
operator.__gt__(a, b) Perform “rich comparisons” between a and b. Specifically, lt(a, b) is equivalent
itertools.dropwhile(predicate, iterable) Make an iterator that drops elements from the iterable as long as the predicate is
@functools.wraps(wrapped, assigned=WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS, updated=WRAPPER_UPDATES) This is a convenience function for invoking
itertools.takewhile(predicate, iterable) Make an iterator that returns elements from the iterable as long as the predicate is
itertools.groupby(iterable, key=None) Make an iterator that returns consecutive keys and groups from the iterable.
classmethod chain.from_iterable(iterable) Alternate constructor for chain(). Gets chained inputs from a single
operator.__neg__(obj) Return obj negated (-obj).
operator.ior(a, b) operator.__ior__(a, b) a = ior(a, b) is equivalent to a |= b.
operator.__isub__(a, b) a = isub(a, b) is equivalent to a -= b.
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