class tf.SparseTensor Represents a sparse tensor. TensorFlow represents a sparse tensor as three
tf.SparseTensor.__init__(indices, values, shape) Creates a SparseTensor. Args:
tf.SparseTensor.__truediv__(sp_x, y) Internal helper function for 'sp_t / dense_t'.
tf.SparseTensor.from_value(cls, sparse_tensor_value)
tf.sparse_to_dense(sparse_indices, output_shape, sparse_values, default_value=0, validate_indices=True, name=None) Converts a
tf.SparseTensor.graph The Graph that contains the index, value, and shape tensors.
tf.SparseTensor.eval(feed_dict=None, session=None) Evaluates this sparse tensor in a Session.
tf.SparseTensor.__mul__(sp_x, y) Component-wise multiplies a SparseTensor by a dense Tensor. The
tf.SparseTensorValue.shape Alias for field number 2
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