
class functools.partialmethod(func, *args, **keywords)

Return a new partialmethod descriptor which behaves like partial except that it is designed to be used as a method definition rather than being directly callable.

func must be a descriptor or a callable (objects which are both, like normal functions, are handled as descriptors).

When func is a descriptor (such as a normal Python function, classmethod(), staticmethod(), abstractmethod() or another instance of partialmethod), calls to __get__ are delegated to the underlying descriptor, and an appropriate partial object returned as the result.

When func is a non-descriptor callable, an appropriate bound method is created dynamically. This behaves like a normal Python function when used as a method: the self argument will be inserted as the first positional argument, even before the args and keywords supplied to the partialmethod constructor.


>>> class Cell(object):
...     def __init__(self):
...         self._alive = False
...     @property
...     def alive(self):
...         return self._alive
...     def set_state(self, state):
...         self._alive = bool(state)
...     set_alive = partialmethod(set_state, True)
...     set_dead = partialmethod(set_state, False)
>>> c = Cell()
>>> c.alive
>>> c.set_alive()
>>> c.alive

New in version 3.4.

2016-10-07 17:33:27
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