
tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(sp_a, b, adjoint_a=False, adjoint_b=False, name=None)

Multiply SparseTensor (of rank 2) "A" by dense matrix "B".

No validity checking is performed on the indices of A. However, the following input format is recommended for optimal behavior:

if adjoint_a == false: A should be sorted in lexicographically increasing order. Use sparse_reorder if you're not sure. if adjoint_a == true: A should be sorted in order of increasing dimension 1 (i.e., "column major" order instead of "row major" order).

Deciding when to use sparse_tensor_dense_matmul vs. matmul(sp_a=True):

There are a number of questions to ask in the decision process, including:

  • Will the SparseTensor A fit in memory if densified?
  • Is the column count of the product large (>> 1)?
  • Is the density of A larger than approximately 15%?

If the answer to several of these questions is yes, consider converting the SparseTensor to a dense one and using tf.matmul with sp_a=True.

This operation tends to perform well when A is more sparse, if the column size of the product is small (e.g. matrix-vector multiplication), if sp_a.shape takes on large values.

Below is a rough speed comparison between sparse_tensor_dense_matmul, labelled 'sparse', and matmul(sp_a=True), labelled 'dense'. For purposes of the comparison, the time spent converting from a SparseTensor to a dense Tensor is not included, so it is overly conservative with respect to the time ratio.

Benchmark system: CPU: Intel Ivybridge with HyperThreading (6 cores) dL1:32KB dL2:256KB dL3:12MB GPU: NVidia Tesla k40c

Compiled with: -c opt --config=cuda --copt=-mavx

A sparse [m, k] with % nonzero values between 1% and 80%
B dense [k, n]

% nnz    n       gpu     m       k       dt(dense)       dt(sparse)      dt(sparse)/dt(dense)
0.01     1       True    100     100     0.000221166     0.00010154      0.459112
0.01     1       True    100     1000    0.00033858      0.000109275     0.322745
0.01     1       True    1000    100     0.000310557     9.85661e-05     0.317385
0.01     1       True    1000    1000    0.0008721       0.000100875     0.115669
0.01     1       False   100     100     0.000208085     0.000107603     0.51711
0.01     1       False   100     1000    0.000327112     9.51118e-05     0.290762
0.01     1       False   1000    100     0.000308222     0.00010345      0.335635
0.01     1       False   1000    1000    0.000865721     0.000101397     0.117124
0.01     10      True    100     100     0.000218522     0.000105537     0.482958
0.01     10      True    100     1000    0.000340882     0.000111641     0.327506
0.01     10      True    1000    100     0.000315472     0.000117376     0.372064
0.01     10      True    1000    1000    0.000905493     0.000123263     0.136128
0.01     10      False   100     100     0.000221529     9.82571e-05     0.44354
0.01     10      False   100     1000    0.000330552     0.000112615     0.340687
0.01     10      False   1000    100     0.000341277     0.000114097     0.334324
0.01     10      False   1000    1000    0.000819944     0.000120982     0.147549
0.01     25      True    100     100     0.000207806     0.000105977     0.509981
0.01     25      True    100     1000    0.000322879     0.00012921      0.400181
0.01     25      True    1000    100     0.00038262      0.000141583     0.370035
0.01     25      True    1000    1000    0.000865438     0.000202083     0.233504
0.01     25      False   100     100     0.000209401     0.000104696     0.499979
0.01     25      False   100     1000    0.000321161     0.000130737     0.407076
0.01     25      False   1000    100     0.000377012     0.000136801     0.362856
0.01     25      False   1000    1000    0.000861125     0.00020272      0.235413
0.2      1       True    100     100     0.000206952     9.69219e-05     0.46833
0.2      1       True    100     1000    0.000348674     0.000147475     0.422959
0.2      1       True    1000    100     0.000336908     0.00010122      0.300439
0.2      1       True    1000    1000    0.001022        0.000203274     0.198898
0.2      1       False   100     100     0.000207532     9.5412e-05      0.459746
0.2      1       False   100     1000    0.000356127     0.000146824     0.41228
0.2      1       False   1000    100     0.000322664     0.000100918     0.312764
0.2      1       False   1000    1000    0.000998987     0.000203442     0.203648
0.2      10      True    100     100     0.000211692     0.000109903     0.519165
0.2      10      True    100     1000    0.000372819     0.000164321     0.440753
0.2      10      True    1000    100     0.000338651     0.000144806     0.427596
0.2      10      True    1000    1000    0.00108312      0.000758876     0.70064
0.2      10      False   100     100     0.000215727     0.000110502     0.512231
0.2      10      False   100     1000    0.000375419     0.0001613       0.429653
0.2      10      False   1000    100     0.000336999     0.000145628     0.432132
0.2      10      False   1000    1000    0.00110502      0.000762043     0.689618
0.2      25      True    100     100     0.000218705     0.000129913     0.594009
0.2      25      True    100     1000    0.000394794     0.00029428      0.745402
0.2      25      True    1000    100     0.000404483     0.0002693       0.665788
0.2      25      True    1000    1000    0.0012002       0.00194494      1.62052
0.2      25      False   100     100     0.000221494     0.0001306       0.589632
0.2      25      False   100     1000    0.000396436     0.000297204     0.74969
0.2      25      False   1000    100     0.000409346     0.000270068     0.659754
0.2      25      False   1000    1000    0.00121051      0.00193737      1.60046
0.5      1       True    100     100     0.000214981     9.82111e-05     0.456836
0.5      1       True    100     1000    0.000415328     0.000223073     0.537101
0.5      1       True    1000    100     0.000358324     0.00011269      0.314492
0.5      1       True    1000    1000    0.00137612      0.000437401     0.317851
0.5      1       False   100     100     0.000224196     0.000101423     0.452386
0.5      1       False   100     1000    0.000400987     0.000223286     0.556841
0.5      1       False   1000    100     0.000368825     0.00011224      0.304318
0.5      1       False   1000    1000    0.00136036      0.000429369     0.31563
0.5      10      True    100     100     0.000222125     0.000112308     0.505608
0.5      10      True    100     1000    0.000461088     0.00032357      0.701753
0.5      10      True    1000    100     0.000394624     0.000225497     0.571422
0.5      10      True    1000    1000    0.00158027      0.00190898      1.20801
0.5      10      False   100     100     0.000232083     0.000114978     0.495418
0.5      10      False   100     1000    0.000454574     0.000324632     0.714146
0.5      10      False   1000    100     0.000379097     0.000227768     0.600817
0.5      10      False   1000    1000    0.00160292      0.00190168      1.18638
0.5      25      True    100     100     0.00023429      0.000151703     0.647501
0.5      25      True    100     1000    0.000497462     0.000598873     1.20386
0.5      25      True    1000    100     0.000460778     0.000557038     1.20891
0.5      25      True    1000    1000    0.00170036      0.00467336      2.74845
0.5      25      False   100     100     0.000228981     0.000155334     0.678371
0.5      25      False   100     1000    0.000496139     0.000620789     1.25124
0.5      25      False   1000    100     0.00045473      0.000551528     1.21287
0.5      25      False   1000    1000    0.00171793      0.00467152      2.71927
0.8      1       True    100     100     0.000222037     0.000105301     0.47425
0.8      1       True    100     1000    0.000410804     0.000329327     0.801664
0.8      1       True    1000    100     0.000349735     0.000131225     0.375212
0.8      1       True    1000    1000    0.00139219      0.000677065     0.48633
0.8      1       False   100     100     0.000214079     0.000107486     0.502085
0.8      1       False   100     1000    0.000413746     0.000323244     0.781261
0.8      1       False   1000    100     0.000348983     0.000131983     0.378193
0.8      1       False   1000    1000    0.00136296      0.000685325     0.50282
0.8      10      True    100     100     0.000229159     0.00011825      0.516017
0.8      10      True    100     1000    0.000498845     0.000532618     1.0677
0.8      10      True    1000    100     0.000383126     0.00029935      0.781336
0.8      10      True    1000    1000    0.00162866      0.00307312      1.88689
0.8      10      False   100     100     0.000230783     0.000124958     0.541452
0.8      10      False   100     1000    0.000493393     0.000550654     1.11606
0.8      10      False   1000    100     0.000377167     0.000298581     0.791642
0.8      10      False   1000    1000    0.00165795      0.00305103      1.84024
0.8      25      True    100     100     0.000233496     0.000175241     0.75051
0.8      25      True    100     1000    0.00055654      0.00102658      1.84458
0.8      25      True    1000    100     0.000463814     0.000783267     1.68875
0.8      25      True    1000    1000    0.00186905      0.00755344      4.04132
0.8      25      False   100     100     0.000240243     0.000175047     0.728625
0.8      25      False   100     1000    0.000578102     0.00104499      1.80763
0.8      25      False   1000    100     0.000485113     0.000776849     1.60138
0.8      25      False   1000    1000    0.00211448      0.00752736      3.55992
  • sp_a: SparseTensor A, of rank 2.
  • b: A dense Matrix with the same dtype as sp_a.
  • adjoint_a: Use the adjoint of A in the matrix multiply. If A is complex, this is transpose(conj(A)). Otherwise it's transpose(A).
  • adjoint_b: Use the adjoint of B in the matrix multiply. If B is complex, this is transpose(conj(B)). Otherwise it's transpose(B).
  • name: A name prefix for the returned tensors (optional)

A dense matrix (pseudo-code in dense np.matrix notation): A = A.H if adjoint_a else A B = B.H if adjoint_b else B return A*B

2016-10-14 13:09:16
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