Applies this zoom behavior to the specified selection, binding the necessary event listeners to allow panning and zooming, and initializing the zoom transform on each selected element to the identity transform if not already defined. This function is typically not invoked directly, and is instead invoked via selection.call. For example, to instantiate a zoom behavior and apply it to a selection:
1 | selection.call(d3.zoom().on( "zoom" , zoomed)); |
Internally, the zoom behavior uses selection.on to bind the necessary event listeners for zooming. The listeners use the name .zoom
, so you can subsequently unbind the zoom behavior as follows:
1 | selection.on( ".zoom" , null ); |
Applying the zoom behavior also sets the -webkit-tap-highlight-color style to transparent, disabling the tap highlight on iOS. If you want a different tap highlight color, remove or re-apply this style after applying the drag behavior.
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