d3.zoom() Creates a new zoom behavior. The returned behavior, zoom
transform.toString() Returns a string representing the
zoom.translateBy(selection, x, y) If selection is a selection,
zoom.filter([filter]) If filter is specified, sets the filter to the specified function and returns the zoom
zoom.scaleExtent([extent]) If extent is specified, sets the scale extent to the specified array of numbers
transform.translate(x, y) Returns a transform whose translation tx1 and ty1
zoom.duration([duration]) If duration is specified, sets the duration for zoom transitions on double-click
d3.zoomIdentity The identity transform, where k = 1, tx = ty = 0.
transform.apply(point) Returns the transformation of the specified point which is a two-element array of numbers
zoom.scaleBy(selection, k) If selection is a selection,
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