If extent is specified, sets the scale extent to the specified array of numbers [k0, k1] where k0 is the minimum allowed scale factor and k1 is the maximum allowed scale factor, and returns this zoom behavior. If extent is not specified, returns the current scale extent, which defaults to [0, ∞]. The scale extent restricts zooming in and out. It is enforced on interaction and when using zoom.scaleBy, zoom.scaleTo and zoom.translateBy; however, it is not enforced when using zoom.transform to set the transform explicitly.
If the user tries to zoom by wheeling when already at the corresponding limit of the scale extent, the wheel events will be ignored and not initiate a zoom gesture. This allows the user to scroll down past a zoomable area after zooming in, or to scroll up after zooming out. If you would prefer to always prevent scrolling on wheel input regardless of the scale extent, register a wheel event listener to prevent the browser default behavior:
1 2 3 | selection .call(zoom) .on( "wheel" , function () { d3.event.preventDefault(); }); |
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