
<static> interpolateRGB(r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, steps, currentStep) → {number}

Interpolates the two given colours based on the supplied step and currentStep properties.

Name Type Description
r1 number

The red color value, between 0 and 0xFF (255).

g1 number

The green color value, between 0 and 0xFF (255).

b1 number

The blue color value, between 0 and 0xFF (255).

r2 number

The red color value, between 0 and 0xFF (255).

g2 number

The green color value, between 0 and 0xFF (255).

b2 number

The blue color value, between 0 and 0xFF (255).

steps number

The number of steps to run the interpolation over.

currentStep number

The currentStep value. If the interpolation will take 100 steps, a currentStep value of 50 would be half-way between the two.

number -

The interpolated color value.

Source code: utils/Color.js (Line 810)
2017-02-14 10:42:09
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