
removeAll(destroy, silent, destroyTexture)

Removes all children from this Group, but does not remove the group from its parent.

The children can be optionally destroyed as they are removed.

You can also optionally also destroy the BaseTexture the Child is using. Be careful if you've
more than one Game Object sharing the same BaseTexture.

Name Type Argument Default Description
destroy boolean <optional>

If true destroy will be invoked on each removed child.

silent boolean <optional>

If true the children will not dispatch their onRemovedFromGroup events.

destroyTexture boolean <optional>

If true, and if the destroy argument is also true, the BaseTexture belonging to the Child is also destroyed. Note that if another Game Object is sharing the same BaseTexture it will invalidate it.

Inherited From
Source code: core/Group.js (Line 2508)
2025-01-10 15:47:30
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