
Namespaces Symfony\Component\Security\Guard\AuthenticatorSymfony\Component\Security\Guard\FirewallSymfony\Component\Security\Guard\ProviderSymfony\Component\Security\Guard\Token Classes AbstractGuardAuthenticator An optional base class that creates a PostAuthenticationGuardToken for you. GuardAuthenticatorHandler A utility class that does much of the work during the guard authentication process. Interfaces GuardAuthenticatorInterface The interface for all "guard" authenticators.


Classes NativeSessionTokenStorage Token storage that uses PHP's native session handling. SessionTokenStorage Token storage that uses a Symfony2 Session object. Interfaces TokenStorageInterface Stores CSRF tokens.


Classes UriSafeTokenGenerator Generates CSRF tokens. Interfaces TokenGeneratorInterface Generates CSRF tokens.


Classes TokenNotFoundException


Namespaces Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\ExceptionSymfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGeneratorSymfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage Classes CsrfToken A CSRF token. CsrfTokenManager Default implementation of {@link CsrfTokenManagerInterface}. Interfaces CsrfTokenManagerInterface Manages CSRF tokens.


Classes UserPassword UserPasswordValidator


Namespaces Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Validator\Constraints


Classes ClassUtils Class related functionality for objects that might or might not be proxy objects at the moment. SecureRandom A secure random number generator implementation. StringUtils String utility functions. Interfaces SecureRandomInterface Interface that needs to be implemented by all secure random number generators.


Classes ChainUserProvider Chain User Provider. InMemoryUserProvider InMemoryUserProvider is a simple non persistent user provider. User User is the user implementation used by the in-memory user provider. UserChecker UserChecker checks the user account flags. Interfaces AdvancedUserInterface Adds extra features to a user class related to account status flags. EquatableInterface EquatableInterface used to test if two objects are equal in security and re-authentication co


Classes Role Role is a simple implementation of a RoleInterface where the role is a string. RoleHierarchy RoleHierarchy defines a role hierarchy. SwitchUserRole SwitchUserRole is used when the current user temporarily impersonates another one. Interfaces RoleHierarchyInterface RoleHierarchyInterface is the interface for a role hierarchy. RoleInterface RoleInterface represents a role granted to a user.