
Namespaces Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\Dumper Classes ApacheUrlMatcher ApacheUrlMatcher matches URL based on Apache mod_rewrite matching (see ApacheMatcherDumper). RedirectableUrlMatcher TraceableUrlMatcher TraceableUrlMatcher helps debug path info matching by tracing the match. UrlMatcher UrlMatcher matches URL based on a set of routes. Interfaces RedirectableUrlMatcherInterface RedirectableUrlMatcherInterface knows how to redirect the user. RequestMatcherInterfa


Classes ServiceRouterLoader A route loader that executes a service to load the routes.


Classes AnnotationClassLoader AnnotationClassLoader loads routing information from a PHP class and its methods. AnnotationDirectoryLoader AnnotationDirectoryLoader loads routing information from annotations set on PHP classes and methods. AnnotationFileLoader AnnotationFileLoader loads routing information from annotations set on a PHP class and its methods. ClosureLoader ClosureLoader loads routes from a PHP closure. PhpFileLoader PhpFileLoader loads routes from a PHP file.


Classes GeneratorDumper GeneratorDumper is the base class for all built-in generator dumpers. PhpGeneratorDumper PhpGeneratorDumper creates a PHP class able to generate URLs for a given set of routes. Interfaces GeneratorDumperInterface GeneratorDumperInterface is the interface that all generator dumper classes must implement.


Namespaces Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\Dumper Classes UrlGenerator UrlGenerator can generate a URL or a path for any route in the RouteCollection based on the passed parameters. Interfaces ConfigurableRequirementsInterface ConfigurableRequirementsInterface must be implemented by URL generators that can be configured whether an exception should be generated when the parameters do not match the requirements. It is also possible to disable the requirements check for URL generati


Classes InvalidParameterException Exception thrown when a parameter is not valid MethodNotAllowedException The resource was found but the request method is not allowed. MissingMandatoryParametersException Exception thrown when a route cannot be generated because of missing mandatory parameters. ResourceNotFoundException The resource was not found. RouteNotFoundException Exception thrown when a route does not exist Interfaces ExceptionInterface ExceptionInterface


Classes Route Annotation class for @Route().


Namespaces Symfony\Component\Routing\AnnotationSymfony\Component\Routing\ExceptionSymfony\Component\Routing\GeneratorSymfony\Component\Routing\LoaderSymfony\Component\Routing\Matcher Classes CompiledRoute CompiledRoutes are returned by the RouteCompiler class. RequestContext Holds information about the current request. Route A Route describes a route and its parameters. RouteCollection A RouteCollection represents a set of Route instances. RouteCompiler RouteCompiler compil


Classes PhpDocExtractor Extracts data using a PHPDoc parser. ReflectionExtractor Extracts PHP informations using the reflection API. SerializerExtractor Lists available properties using Symfony Serializer Component metadata.


Namespaces Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Extractor Classes PropertyInfoExtractor Default {see PropertyInfoExtractorInterface} implementation. Type Type value object (immutable). Interfaces PropertyAccessExtractorInterface Guesses if the property can be accessed or mutated. PropertyDescriptionExtractorInterface Description extractor Interface. PropertyInfoExtractorInterface Gets info about PHP class properties. PropertyListExtractorInterface Extracts the list of prope