
Namespaces Symfony\Component\Security\Core\AuthenticationSymfony\Component\Security\Core\AuthorizationSymfony\Component\Security\Core\EncoderSymfony\Component\Security\Core\EventSymfony\Component\Security\Core\ExceptionSymfony\Component\Security\Core\RoleSymfony\Component\Security\Core\UserSymfony\Component\Security\Core\UtilSymfony\Component\Security\Core\Validator Classes AuthenticationEvents SecurityContext SecurityContext is the main entry point of the Security component. Interf


Classes AclVoter This voter can be used as a base class for implementing your own permissions. FieldVote This class is a lightweight wrapper around field vote requests which does not violate any interface contracts.


Classes BasicPermissionMap This is basic permission map complements the masks which have been defined on the standard implementation of the MaskBuilder. MaskBuilder This class allows you to build cumulative permissions easily, or convert masks to a human-readable format. Interfaces PermissionMapInterface This is the interface that must be implemented by permission maps.


Interfaces AclCacheInterface AclCache Interface AclInterface This interface represents an access control list (ACL) for a domain object. AclProviderInterface Provides a common interface for retrieving ACLs. AuditLoggerInterface Interface for audit loggers AuditableAclInterface This interface adds auditing capabilities to the ACL. AuditableEntryInterface ACEs can implement this interface if they support auditing capabilities. DomainObjectInterface This method can be im


Classes AclAlreadyExistsException This exception is thrown when someone tries to create an ACL for an object identity that already has one. AclNotFoundException This exception is thrown when we cannot locate an ACL for a passed ObjectIdentity implementation. ConcurrentModificationException This exception is thrown whenever you change shared properties of more than one ACL of the same class type concurrently. InvalidDomainObjectException This exception is thrown when ObjectIdentit


Classes Acl An ACL implementation. AclCollectionCache This service caches ACLs for an entire collection of objects. AuditLogger Base audit logger implementation DoctrineAclCache This class is a wrapper around the actual cache implementation. Entry Auditable ACE implementation FieldEntry Field-aware ACE implementation which is auditable ObjectIdentity ObjectIdentity implementation ObjectIdentityRetrievalStrategy Strategy to be used for retrieving object identities


Classes AclProvider An ACL provider implementation. MutableAclProvider An implementation of the MutableAclProviderInterface using Doctrine DBAL. Schema The schema used for the ACL system.


Namespaces Symfony\Component\Security\Acl\DbalSymfony\Component\Security\Acl\DomainSymfony\Component\Security\Acl\ExceptionSymfony\Component\Security\Acl\ModelSymfony\Component\Security\Acl\PermissionSymfony\Component\Security\Acl\Voter


Namespaces Symfony\Component\Security\AclSymfony\Component\Security\CoreSymfony\Component\Security\Http


Classes ApacheMatcherDumper Dumps a set of Apache mod_rewrite rules. DumperCollection Collection of routes. DumperPrefixCollection Prefix tree of routes preserving routes order. DumperRoute Container for a Route. MatcherDumper MatcherDumper is the abstract class for all built-in matcher dumpers. PhpMatcherDumper PhpMatcherDumper creates a PHP class able to match URLs for a given set of routes. Interfaces MatcherDumperInterface MatcherDumperInterface is the interface