
final addOption($name, $default = null) Parameters $name $default


addConfiguration(NodeDefinition $node) Parameters NodeDefinition $node


class AbstractFactory implements SecurityFactoryInterface AbstractFactory is the base class for all classes inheriting from AbstractAuthenticationListener. Methods create(ContainerBuilder $container, $id, $config, $userProviderId, $defaultEntryPointId) addConfiguration(NodeDefinition $node) addOption($name, $default = null) Details create(ContainerBuilder $container, $id, $config, $userProviderId, $defaultEntryPointId) Parameters


bool hasTypeExtensions(string $name) Returns whether this extension provides type extensions for the given type. Parameters string $name The name of the type Return Value bool Whether the given type has extensions


bool hasType(string $name) Returns whether the given type is supported. Parameters string $name The name of the type Return Value bool Whether the type is supported by this extension


FormTypeGuesserInterface|null getTypeGuesser() Returns the type guesser provided by this extension. Return Value FormTypeGuesserInterface|null The type guesser


FormTypeExtensionInterface[] getTypeExtensions(string $name) Returns the extensions for the given type. Parameters string $name The name of the type Return Value FormTypeExtensionInterface[] An array of extensions as FormTypeExtensionInterface instances


FormTypeInterface getType(string $name) Returns a type by name. Parameters string $name The name of the type Return Value FormTypeInterface The type Exceptions InvalidArgumentException if the given type is not supported by this extension


callable[] getPseudoClassTranslators() Returns pseudo-class translators. Return Value callable[]


callable[] getNodeTranslators() Returns node translators. These callables will receive the node as first argument and the translator as second argument. Return Value callable[]