
class AbstractCloner implements ClonerInterface AbstractCloner implements a generic caster mechanism for objects and resources. Properties static $defaultCasters Methods __construct(array $casters = null) addCasters(array $casters) Adds casters for resources and objects. setMaxItems(int $maxItems) Sets the maximum number of items to clone past the first level in nested structures. setMaxString(int $maxString) Sets the maximum cloned length for strings. Data clo


class AbstractBundleReader implements BundleReaderInterface Base class for {@link BundleReaderInterface} implementations. Methods string[] getLocales(string $path) Reads the available locales of a resource bundle. Details string[] getLocales(string $path) Reads the available locales of a resource bundle. Parameters string $path The path to the resource bundle. Return Value string[] A list of supported locale codes.


class AbstractBundle implements ResourceBundleInterface Base class for {@link ResourceBundleInterface} implementations. Methods __construct(string $path, StructuredBundleReaderInterface $reader) Creates a bundle at the given path using the given reader for reading bundle entries. string[] getLocales() Returns the list of locales that this bundle supports. Details __construct(string $path, StructuredBundleReaderInterface $reader) Creates a


setRememberMeServices(RememberMeServicesInterface $rememberMeServices) Sets the RememberMeServices implementation to use. Parameters RememberMeServicesInterface $rememberMeServices


final handle(GetResponseEvent $event) Handles form based authentication. Parameters GetResponseEvent $event Exceptions RuntimeException SessionUnavailableException


class AbstractAuthenticationListener implements ListenerInterface The AbstractAuthenticationListener is the preferred base class for all browser-/HTTP-based authentication requests. Subclasses likely have to implement the following: - an TokenInterface to hold authentication related data - an AuthenticationProvider to perform the actual authentication of the token, retrieve the UserInterface implementation from a database, and perform the specific account checks using the UserChecker By defa


saveDeferred(CacheItemInterface $item) {@inheritdoc} Parameters CacheItemInterface $item


save(CacheItemInterface $item) {@inheritdoc} Parameters CacheItemInterface $item


hasItem($key) {@inheritdoc} Parameters $key


static handleUnserializeCallback($class) Parameters $class