
class AbstractDoctrineExtension extends Extension This abstract classes groups common code that Doctrine Object Manager extensions (ORM, MongoDB, CouchDB) need. Methods string getXsdValidationBasePath() Returns the base path for the XSD files. from Extension string getNamespace() Returns the namespace to be used for this extension (XML namespace). from Extension string getAlias() Returns the recommended alias to use in XML. from Extension ConfigurationInterface|null getConfig


class AbstractDataGenerator The rule for compiling the currency bundle. Methods __construct(GenrbCompiler $compiler, $dirName) generateData(GeneratorConfig $config) {@inheritdoc} Details __construct(GenrbCompiler $compiler, $dirName) Parameters GenrbCompiler $compiler $dirName generateData(GeneratorConfig $config) {@inheritdoc} Parameters GeneratorConfig $config


class AbstractConnection implements ConnectionInterface Methods __construct(array $config = array()) Details __construct(array $config = array()) Parameters array $config


class AbstractConfigCommand extends ContainerDebugCommand A console command for dumping available configuration reference. Methods __construct(string|null $name = null) Constructor. from Command ignoreValidationErrors() Ignores validation errors. from Command setApplication(Application $application = null) Sets the application instance for this command. from Command setHelperSet(HelperSet $helperSet) Sets the helper set. from Command HelperSet getHelperSet() Gets the help


class AbstractComparisonValidator extends ConstraintValidator Provides a base class for the validation of property comparisons. Constants PRETTY_DATE Whether to format {@link \DateTime} objects as RFC-3339 dates ("Y-m-d H:i:s"). OBJECT_TO_STRING Whether to cast objects with a "__toString()" method to strings. Methods initialize(ExecutionContextInterface $context) Initializes the constraint validator. from ConstraintValidator validate(mixed $value, Constraint $constraint) Chec


class AbstractComparison extends Constraint Used for the comparison of values. Constants DEFAULT_GROUP The name of the group given to all constraints with no explicit group. CLASS_CONSTRAINT Marks a constraint that can be put onto classes. PROPERTY_CONSTRAINT Marks a constraint that can be put onto properties. Properties mixed $payload Domain-specific data attached to a constraint. from Constraint array $groups The groups that the constraint belongs to from Constraint $mess


setMaxString(int $maxString) Sets the maximum cloned length for strings. Parameters int $maxString


setMaxItems(int $maxItems) Sets the maximum number of items to clone past the first level in nested structures. Parameters int $maxItems


Data cloneVar(mixed $var, int $filter) Clones a PHP variable. Parameters mixed $var Any PHP variable int $filter A bit field of Caster::EXCLUDE_* constants Return Value Data The cloned variable represented by a Data object


addCasters(array $casters) Adds casters for resources and objects. Maps resources or objects types to a callback. Types are in the key, with a callable caster for value. Resource types are to be prefixed with a :, see e.g. static::$defaultCasters. Parameters array $casters A map of casters