Development Helpers Development Helpers Handlebars and Ember come with a few helpers
Initializers Initializers provide an opportunity to configure your application as it boots. There are two
Testing Routes Unit testing methods and computed properties follows previous patterns shown in Unit Testing Basics because Ember.Route
Object Inspector The Inspector includes a panel that allows you to view and interact with your Ember objects. To open it, click on any Ember
Defining Models A model is a class that defines the properties and behavior of the data that you present to the user. Anything that the user
Links The {{link-to}} Helper You create a link to a route using the
Handling Events You can respond to user events on your component like double-clicking, hovering, and key presses through event handlers. Simply
Rendering Performance You can use the Inspector to measure your app's render times. Click on Render Performance to start inspecting
Routes and Templates Ember uses routes to define logical, addressable pages within our application. In Super
Computed Properties and Aggregate Data Sometimes you have a computed property whose value depends on the properties of items in an array.
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