Development Helpers
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Templates

Development Helpers Development Helpers Handlebars and Ember come with a few helpers

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  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Application Concerns

Initializers Initializers provide an opportunity to configure your application as it boots. There are two

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Testing Routes
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Testing

Testing Routes Unit testing methods and computed properties follows previous patterns shown in Unit Testing Basics because Ember.Route

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Object Inspector
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Ember Inspector

Object Inspector The Inspector includes a panel that allows you to view and interact with your Ember objects. To open it, click on any Ember

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Defining Models
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Models

Defining Models A model is a class that defines the properties and behavior of the data that you present to the user. Anything that the user

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  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Templates

Links The {{link-to}} Helper You create a link to a route using the

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Handling Events
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Components

Handling Events You can respond to user events on your component like double-clicking, hovering, and key presses through event handlers. Simply

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Rendering Performance
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Ember Inspector

Rendering Performance You can use the Inspector to measure your app's render times. Click on Render Performance to start inspecting

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Routes and Templates
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/Tutorial

Routes and Templates Ember uses routes to define logical, addressable pages within our application. In Super

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Computed Properties and Aggregate Data
  • References/JavaScript/Ember.js/Guides/The Object Model

Computed Properties and Aggregate Data Sometimes you have a computed property whose value depends on the properties of items in an array.

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