shakeIntensity : number The Cameras shake intensity. Gets or sets the cameras shake intensity.
[static] FOLLOW_TOPDOWN_TIGHT : number Source code:
focusOn(displayObject) Move the camera focus on a display object instantly. Parameters
follow(target, style, lerpX, lerpY) Tell the
reset() Resets the camera back to 0,0 and un-follows any object it may have been tracking.Also immediately resets any camera effects
width : number The Cameras width. By default this is the same as the Game size and should not be adjusted for now. Gets or sets
new Camera(game, id, x, y, width, height) A Camera is your view into the game world. It has a position and size and renders only those
target : Phaser.Sprite If the camera is tracking a
[static] SHAKE_BOTH : number Source code:
game : Phaser.Game A reference to the currently running Game
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