sinCosGenerator(length, sinAmplitude, cosAmplitude, frequency) → {Object} Generate a sine and cosine
ceilTo(value, place, base) → {number} Ceils
new Math() A collection of useful mathematical functions. These are normally accessed through game.math.
catmullRomInterpolation(v, k) → {number} A Catmull Rom Interpolation Method, mostly used by Phaser
average() → {number} Averages all values passed to the function and returns the result.
clampBottom(x, a) → {number} Clamp x to the range [a, Infinity).Roughly
rotateToAngle(currentAngle, targetAngle, lerp) → {number} Rotates
mapLinear(x, a1, a2, b1, b2) → {number} Linear mapping from range to range Parameters
bezierInterpolation(v, k) → {number} A Bezier Interpolation Method, mostly used by Phaser.Tween
smootherstep(x, min, max) → {float} Smootherstep function as detailed at http://en.wikipedia.or
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