autoDestroy : boolean If true, the timer will automatically destroy itself after all the events have been dispatched (assuming
[readonly] seconds : number The duration in seconds that this Timer has been running for.
[readonly] running : boolean True if the Timer is actively running. Do not modify this
stop(clearEvents) Stops this Timer from running. Does not cause it to be destroyed if autoDestroy is set
remove(event) Removes a pending TimerEvent from the queue. Parameters
[static] HALF : integer Number of milliseconds in half a second.
events : Array.<Phaser.TimerEvent> An array
[readonly] length : number The number of pending events in the queue.
[static] QUARTER : integer Number of milliseconds in a quarter of a second.
timeCap : number If the difference in time between two frame updates exceeds this value, the event times are reset to avoid catch-up
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