operator.__or__(a, b) Return the bitwise or of a and b.
operator.inv(obj) operator.invert(obj) operator.__inv__(obj) operator
functools.reduce(function, iterable[, initializer]) Apply function of two arguments cumulatively to the items of sequence
@functools.singledispatch(default) Transforms a function into a single-dispatch
operator.iand(a, b) operator.__iand__(a, b) a = iand(a, b) is equivalent to a &= b
itertools.combinations(iterable, r) Return r length subsequences of elements from the input iterable.
operator.lshift(a, b) operator.__lshift__(a, b) Return a shifted left by b.
operator.__concat__(a, b) Return a + b for a and b sequences.
operator.__invert__(obj) Return the bitwise inverse of the number obj. This is equivalent to ~obj.
operator.ilshift(a, b) operator.__ilshift__(a, b) a = ilshift(a, b) is equivalent to a <<=
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