
Classes CommentHandler CSS selector comment handler. HashHandler CSS selector comment handler. IdentifierHandler CSS selector comment handler. NumberHandler CSS selector comment handler. StringHandler CSS selector comment handler. WhitespaceHandler CSS selector whitespace handler. Interfaces HandlerInterface CSS selector handler interface.


Classes AbstractNode Abstract base node class. AttributeNode Represents a "[|]" node. ClassNode Represents a "." node. CombinedSelectorNode Represents a combined node. ElementNode Represents a "|" node. FunctionNode Represents a ":()" node. HashNode Represents a "#" node. NegationNode Represents a ":not()" node. PseudoNode Represents a ":" node. SelectorNode Represents a "(::|:)" node. Specificity Represents a node specificity. I


Namespaces Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Parser\HandlerSymfony\Component\CssSelector\Parser\ShortcutSymfony\Component\CssSelector\Parser\Tokenizer Classes Parser CSS selector parser. Reader CSS selector reader. Token CSS selector token. TokenStream CSS selector token stream. Interfaces ParserInterface CSS selector parser interface.


Classes ChoiceQuestion Represents a choice question. ConfirmationQuestion Represents a yes/no question. Question Represents a Question.


Namespaces Symfony\Component\CssSelector\ExceptionSymfony\Component\CssSelector\NodeSymfony\Component\CssSelector\ParserSymfony\Component\CssSelector\XPath Classes CssSelector CssSelector is the main entry point of the component and can convert CSS selectors to XPath expressions.


Classes ConsoleLogger PSR-3 compliant console logger


Classes ArgvInput ArgvInput represents an input coming from the CLI arguments. ArrayInput ArrayInput represents an input provided as an array. Input Input is the base class for all concrete Input classes. InputArgument Represents a command line argument. InputDefinition A InputDefinition represents a set of valid command line arguments and options. InputOption Represents a command line option. StringInput StringInput represents an input provided as a string. Interf


Classes ConsoleOutput ConsoleOutput is the default class for all CLI output. It uses STDOUT. NullOutput NullOutput suppresses all output. Output Base class for output classes. StreamOutput StreamOutput writes the output to a given stream. Interfaces ConsoleOutputInterface ConsoleOutputInterface is the interface implemented by ConsoleOutput class. OutputInterface OutputInterface is the interface implemented by all Output classes.


Classes OutputStyle Decorates output to add console style guide helpers. SymfonyStyle Output decorator helpers for the Symfony Style Guide. Interfaces StyleInterface Output style helpers.


Classes ApplicationTester Eases the testing of console applications. CommandTester Eases the testing of console commands.