
Exceptions FileLoaderImportCircularReferenceException Exception class for when a circular reference is detected when importing resources. FileLoaderLoadException Exception class for when a resource cannot be loaded or imported.


Classes DelegatingLoader DelegatingLoader delegates loading to other loaders using a loader resolver. FileLoader FileLoader is the abstract class used by all built-in loaders that are file based. Loader Loader is the abstract class used by all built-in loaders. LoaderResolver LoaderResolver selects a loader for a given resource. Interfaces LoaderInterface LoaderInterface is the interface implemented by all loader classes. LoaderResolverInterface LoaderResolverInterface


Classes DuplicateKeyException This exception is thrown whenever the key of an array is not unique. This can only be the case if the configuration is coming from an XML file. Exception Base exception for all configuration exceptions ForbiddenOverwriteException This exception is thrown when a configuration path is overwritten from a subsequent configuration file, but the entry node specifically forbids this. InvalidConfigurationException A very general exception which can be thrown


Classes ArrayNodeDefinition This class provides a fluent interface for defining an array node. BooleanNodeDefinition This class provides a fluent interface for defining a node. EnumNodeDefinition Enum Node Definition. ExprBuilder This class builds an if expression. FloatNodeDefinition This class provides a fluent interface for defining a float node. IntegerNodeDefinition This class provides a fluent interface for defining an integer node. MergeBuilder This class build


Namespaces Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\BuilderSymfony\Component\Config\Definition\Exception Classes ArrayNode Represents an Array node in the config tree. BaseNode The base node class BooleanNode This node represents a Boolean value in the config tree. EnumNode Node which only allows a finite set of values. FloatNode This node represents a float value in the config tree. IntegerNode This node represents an integer value in the config tree. NumericNode This n


Namespaces Symfony\Component\Config\DefinitionSymfony\Component\Config\ExceptionSymfony\Component\Config\LoaderSymfony\Component\Config\ResourceSymfony\Component\Config\Util Classes ConfigCache ConfigCache manages PHP cache files. FileLocator FileLocator uses an array of pre-defined paths to find files. Interfaces FileLocatorInterface


Classes ApcClassLoader ApcClassLoader implements a wrapping autoloader cached in APC for PHP 5.3. ApcUniversalClassLoader ApcUniversalClassLoader implements a "universal" autoloader cached in APC for PHP 5.3. ClassCollectionLoader ClassCollectionLoader. ClassLoader ClassLoader implements an PSR-0 class loader ClassMapGenerator ClassMapGenerator DebugClassLoader Autoloader checking if the class is really defined in the file found. DebugUniversalClassLoader Checks that


Classes InvalidArgumentException Exceptions CacheException


Classes AbstractAdapter ApcuAdapter ArrayAdapter ChainAdapter Chains several adapters together. DoctrineAdapter FilesystemAdapter ProxyAdapter RedisAdapter Interfaces AdapterInterface Interface for adapters managing instances of Symfony's {see CacheItem}.


Namespaces Symfony\Component\Cache\AdapterSymfony\Component\Cache\Exception Classes CacheItem DoctrineProvider