
Classes EmptyVersionStrategy Disable version for all assets. StaticVersionStrategy Returns the same version for all assets. Interfaces VersionStrategyInterface Asset version strategy interface.


Classes NullContext A context that does nothing. RequestStackContext Uses a RequestStack to populate the context. Interfaces ContextInterface Holds information about the current request.


Classes Client Client simulates a browser. Cookie Cookie represents an HTTP cookie. CookieJar CookieJar. History History. Request Request object. Response Response object.


Namespaces Symfony\Component\BrowserKitSymfony\Component\ClassLoaderSymfony\Component\ConfigSymfony\Component\ConsoleSymfony\Component\CssSelectorSymfony\Component\DebugSymfony\Component\DependencyInjectionSymfony\Component\DomCrawlerSymfony\Component\EventDispatcherSymfony\Component\FilesystemSymfony\Component\FinderSymfony\Component\FormSymfony\Component\HttpFoundationSymfony\Component\HttpKernelSymfony\Component\IntlSymfony\Component\LocaleSymfony\Component\OptionsResolverSymfony\Component\


Classes InvalidArgumentException Base InvalidArgumentException for the Asset component. LogicException Base LogicException for the Asset component. Interfaces ExceptionInterface Base ExceptionInterface for the Asset component.


Namespaces Symfony\Component\Asset\ContextSymfony\Component\Asset\ExceptionSymfony\Component\Asset\VersionStrategy Classes Package Basic package that adds a version to asset URLs. Packages Helps manage asset URLs. PathPackage Package that adds a base path to asset URLs in addition to a version. UrlPackage Package that adds a base URL to asset URLs in addition to a version. Interfaces PackageInterface Asset package interface.


interface CompilerPassInterface Interface that must be implemented by compilation passes. Methods process(ContainerBuilder $container) You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code. Details process(ContainerBuilder $container) You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code. Parameters ContainerBuilder $container


static getCompilerLogFilename(ContainerInterface $container) Parameters ContainerInterface $container


process(ContainerBuilder $container) You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code. Parameters ContainerBuilder $container


class CompilerDebugDumpPass implements CompilerPassInterface Methods process(ContainerBuilder $container) You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code. static getCompilerLogFilename(ContainerInterface $container) Details process(ContainerBuilder $container) You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code. Parameters ContainerBuilder $container static getCompilerLogFile