
Classes ConsoleCommandEvent Allows to do things before the command is executed. ConsoleEvent Allows to inspect input and output of a command. ConsoleExceptionEvent Allows to handle exception thrown in a command. ConsoleTerminateEvent Allows to manipulate the exit code of a command after its execution.


Classes OutputFormatter Formatter class for console output. OutputFormatterStyle Formatter style class for defining styles. OutputFormatterStyleStack Interfaces OutputFormatterInterface Formatter interface for console output. OutputFormatterStyleInterface Formatter style interface for defining styles.


Classes CommandNotFoundException Represents an incorrect command name typed in the console. InvalidArgumentException InvalidOptionException Represents an incorrect option name typed in the console. LogicException RuntimeException Interfaces ExceptionInterface ExceptionInterface.


Classes DescriptorHelper This class adds helper method to describe objects in various formats. DialogHelper The Dialog class provides helpers to interact with the user. FormatterHelper The Formatter class provides helpers to format messages. Helper Helper is the base class for all helper classes. HelperSet HelperSet represents a set of helpers to be used with a command. ProgressHelper The Progress class provides helpers to display progress output. TableHelper Provides


Classes Command Base class for all commands. HelpCommand HelpCommand displays the help for a given command. ListCommand ListCommand displays the list of all available commands for the application.


Classes ApplicationDescription Descriptor JsonDescriptor JSON descriptor. MarkdownDescriptor Markdown descriptor. TextDescriptor Text descriptor. XmlDescriptor XML descriptor. Interfaces DescriptorInterface Descriptor interface.


Namespaces Symfony\Component\Console\CommandSymfony\Component\Console\DescriptorSymfony\Component\Console\EventSymfony\Component\Console\FormatterSymfony\Component\Console\HelperSymfony\Component\Console\InputSymfony\Component\Console\OutputSymfony\Component\Console\Tester Classes Application An Application is the container for a collection of commands. ConsoleEvents Contains all events dispatched by an Application. Shell A Shell wraps an Application to add shell capabilities to it


Classes XmlUtils XMLUtils is a bunch of utility methods to XML operations.


Classes DirectoryResource DirectoryResource represents a resources stored in a subdirectory tree. FileResource FileResource represents a resource stored on the filesystem. Interfaces ResourceInterface ResourceInterface is the interface that must be implemented by all Resource classes.


Classes XmlReferenceDumper Dumps a XML reference configuration for the given configuration/node instance. YamlReferenceDumper Dumps a Yaml reference configuration for the given configuration/node instance.