
pause() Pauses the Timer and all events in the queue. Source code: time/Timer.js (Line 510)


[readonly] ms : number The duration in milliseconds that this Timer has been running for. Source code: time/Timer.js (Line 712)


[readonly] next : number The time at which the next event will occur. Source code: time/Timer.js (Line 664)


onComplete : Phaser.Signal This signal will be dispatched when this Timer has completed which means that there are no more events in the queue. The signal is supplied with one argument, timer, which is this Timer object. Source code: time/Timer.js (Line 72)


[readonly] expired : boolean An expired Timer is one in which all of its events have been dispatched and none are pending. Source code: time/Timer.js (Line 52)


[readonly] length : number The number of pending events in the queue. Source code: time/Timer.js (Line 699)


loop(delay, callback, callbackContext, arguments) → {Phaser.TimerEvent} Adds a new looped Event to this Timer that will repeat forever or until the Timer is stopped. The event will fire after the given amount of delay in milliseconds has passed, once the Timer has started running.The delay is in relation to when the Timer starts, not the time it was added. If the Timer is already running the delay will be calculated based on the timers current time. Make sure to call start after adding all of


[readonly] duration : number The duration in ms remaining until the next event will occur. Source code: time/Timer.js (Line 677)


events : Array.<Phaser.TimerEvent> An array holding all of this timers Phaser.TimerEvent objects. Use the methods add, repeat and loop to populate it. Type Array.<Phaser.TimerEvent> Source code: time/Timer.js (Line 63)


destroy() Destroys this Timer. Any pending Events are not dispatched.The onComplete callbacks won't be called. Source code: time/Timer.js (Line 646)