
smoothed : boolean Enable or disable texture smoothing for this Game Object. It only takes effect if the Game Object is using an image based texture. Smoothing is enabled by default. Inherited From Phaser.Component.Smoothed#smoothed Source code: gameobjects/components/Smoothed.js (Line 25)


setUpSound(sound, marker) The Sound to be played when a Pointer has pressed down and is released from this Button. Parameters Name Type Argument Description sound Phaser.Sound | Phaser.AudioSprite The Sound that will be played. marker string <optional> A Sound Marker that will be used in the playback. Source code: gameobjects/Button.js (Line 464)


shader : PIXI.AbstractFilter The shader that will be used to render this Sprite.Set to null to remove a current shader. Inherited From PIXI.Sprite#shader Default Value null Source code: pixi/display/Sprite.js (Line 93)


setTexture(texture, destroy) Sets the texture of the sprite. Be warned that this doesn't remove or destroy the previoustexture this Sprite was using. Parameters Name Type Argument Default Description texture PIXI.Texture The PIXI texture that is displayed by the sprite destroy Boolean <optional> false Call Texture.destroy on the current texture before replacing it with the new one? Inherited From PIXI.Sprite#setTexture Source code: pixi/display/Sprite.js (Line 163)


setSounds(overSound, overMarker, downSound, downMarker, outSound, outMarker, upSound, upMarker) Sets the sounds to be played whenever this Button is interacted with. Sounds can be either full Sound objects, or markers pointing to a section of a Sound object.The most common forms of sounds are 'hover' effects and 'click' effects, which is why the order of the parameters is overSound then downSound. Call this function with no parameters to reset all sounds on this Button. Parameters Name Type


setScaleMinMax(minX, minY, maxX, maxY) Sets the scaleMin and scaleMax values. These values are used to limit how far this Game Object will scale based on its parent. For example if this Game Object has a minScale value of 1 and its parent has a scale value of 0.5, the 0.5 will be ignoredand the scale value of 1 will be used, as the parents scale is lower than the minimum scale this Game Object should adhere to. By setting these values you can carefully control how Game Objects deal with respo


setOverSound(sound, marker) The Sound to be played when a Pointer moves over this Button. Parameters Name Type Argument Description sound Phaser.Sound | Phaser.AudioSprite The Sound that will be played. marker string <optional> A Sound Marker that will be used in the playback. Source code: gameobjects/Button.js (Line 422)


setOutSound(sound, marker) The Sound to be played when a Pointer moves out of this Button. Parameters Name Type Argument Description sound Phaser.Sound | Phaser.AudioSprite The Sound that will be played. marker string <optional> A Sound Marker that will be used in the playback. Source code: gameobjects/Button.js (Line 436)


setFrames(overFrame, outFrame, downFrame, upFrame) Used to manually set the frames that will be used for the different states of the Button. Frames can be specified as either an integer (the frame ID) or a string (the frame name); these are the same values that can be used with a Sprite constructor. Parameters Name Type Argument Description overFrame string | integer <optional> The frame / frameName when the button is in the Over state. outFrame string | integer <optional>


setDownSound(sound, marker) The Sound to be played when a Pointer presses down on this Button. Parameters Name Type Argument Description sound Phaser.Sound | Phaser.AudioSprite The Sound that will be played. marker string <optional> A Sound Marker that will be used in the playback. Source code: gameobjects/Button.js (Line 450)