sendToBack(child) → {any} Sends the given child to the bottom of this group so it renders below
replace(oldChild, newChild) → {any} Replaces a child of this Group with the given newChild. The
previous() → {any} Moves the group cursor to the previous (lower) child in the group. If
getBottom() → {any} Returns the child at the bottom of this group. The bottom child the child
resetCursor(index) → {any} Sets the group cursor to the first child
addChildAt(child, index) → {DisplayObject}
position : Phaser.Point Source code:
moveDown(child) → {any} Moves the given child down one place in this group unless it's already at
getByName(name) → {any} Searches the Group for the first instance of a child with the name
removeBetween(startIndex, endIndex, destroy, silent)
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