onUpdateCallback : Function This is called when the state is updated, every game loop. It doesn't happen during preload (@see
onPauseUpdateCallback : Function This is called every frame while the game is paused.
destroy() Removes all StateManager callback references to the State object, nulls the game reference and clears the States object.
add(key, state, autoStart) Adds a new State into the StateManager. You must give each State a unique key
new StateManager(game, pendingState) The State Manager is responsible for loading, setting up and switching
preUpdate() preUpdate is called right at the start of the game loop. It is responsible for changing to a new state that was requested
onCreateCallback : Function This is called when the state preload has finished and creation begins.
onPausedCallback : Function This is called when the game is paused. Source
remove(key) Delete the given state. Parameters Name
onRenderCallback : Function This is called post-render. It doesn't happen during preload (see onLoadRenderCallback).
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