disconnect() Gamepad disconnect function, should be called by Phaser.Gamepad. Source
addCallbacks(context, callbacks) Add callbacks to this Gamepad to handle connect / disconnect / button down / button up / axis change
[readonly] connected : boolean Whether or not this particular gamepad is connected or not
processAxisChange(axisState) Handles changes in axis. Parameters
onFloatCallback : Function This callback is invoked every time a button is changed to a value where value > 0 and value <
[readonly] index : number The gamepad index as per browsers data
reset() Reset all buttons/axes of this gamepad. Source code:
justPressed(buttonCode, duration) → {boolean} Returns the "just pressed"
getButton(buttonCode) → {Phaser.DeviceButton}
onUpCallback : Function This callback is invoked every time a gamepad button is released.
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