clientY : number The vertical coordinate of the Pointer within the application's client area at which the event occurred (as opposed
game : Phaser.Game A reference to the currently running game
resetMovement() Resets the movementX and movementY properties. Use in your update handler after retrieving the values.
[readonly] type : number The const type of this object.
leave(event) Called when the Pointer leaves the target area. Parameters
pageY : number The vertical coordinate of the Pointer relative to whole document. Source
msSinceLastClick : number The number of milliseconds since the last click or touch event.
exists : boolean A Pointer object that exists is allowed to be checked for physics collisions and overlaps.
rawMovementX : number The horizontal raw relative movement of the Pointer in pixels since last event.
position : Phaser.Point A Phaser.Point object containing
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