addTilemap(key, url, mapData, format) Add a new tilemap to the Cache. Parameters
removeText(key) Removes a text file from the cache. Note that this only removes it from the Phaser.Cache. If you still have references
destroy() Clears the cache. Removes every local cache object reference.If an object in the cache has a destroy method
autoResolveURL : boolean Automatically resolve resource URLs to absolute paths for use with the Cache.getURL method.
addBitmapFont(key, url, data, atlasData, atlasType, xSpacing, ySpacing)
getBitmapFont(key) → {Phaser.BitmapFont} Gets a Bitmap Font object from the cache. The object
[static] JSON : number Source code:
removeBinary(key) Removes a binary file from the cache. Note that this only removes it from the Phaser.Cache. If you still have
getURL(url) → {object} Get a cached object by the URL.This only returns a value if you set
getSound(key) → {Phaser.Sound}
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