sendToBack() → {PIXI.DisplayObject} Sends this Game Object to the bottom of its parents display
exists : boolean Controls if this Game Object is processed by the core game loop.If this Game Object has a physics body it
setAnimation(key) Sets the Animation this Creature object will play, as defined in the mesh data. Parameters
preUpdate() Automatically called by World.preUpdate. Source code:
autoCull : boolean A Game Object with autoCull set to true will check its bounds against the World Camera every frame
removeChildAt(index) → {DisplayObject}
addChildAt(child, index) → {DisplayObject}
addChild(child) → {DisplayObject}
data : Object An empty Object that belongs to this Game Object.This value isn't ever used internally by Phaser, but may be
animation :CreatureAnimation The CreatureAnimation instance. Source code:
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