getFrameByName(key, name, cache) → {Phaser
addVideo(key, url, data, isBlob) Adds a Video file into the Cache. The file must have already been loaded, typically via Phaser.Loader
checkBinaryKey(key) → {boolean} Checks if the given key exists in the Binary Cache. Parameters
removeSpriteSheet(key) Removes a Sprite Sheet from the cache. Note that this only removes it from the Phaser.Cache. If you still
getItem(key, cache, method, property) → {object}
checkVideoKey(key) → {boolean} Checks if the given key exists in the Video Cache. Parameters
checkTextureKey(key) → {boolean} Checks if the given key exists in the Texture Cache.
game : Phaser.Game Local reference to game.
isSoundReady(key) → {boolean} Check if the given sound is ready for playback.A sound is considered
addXML(key, url, data) Add a new xml object into the cache. Parameters
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