revive(health) → {PIXI.DisplayObject} Brings a 'dead' Game Object
smoothed : boolean Enable or disable texture smoothing for this BitmapText. The smoothing is applied to the BaseTexture
top : number The y coordinate of the Game Object.This is the same as y - offsetY.
[readonly] z : number The z depth of this Game Object within its parent Group.No two
font : string The font the text will be rendered in, i.e. 'Arial'. Must be loaded in the browser before use.
fixedToCamera : boolean A Game Object that is "fixed" to the camera uses its x/y coordinates as offsets from the top left of the
checkWorldBounds : boolean If this is set to true the Game Object checks if it is within the World bounds each frame
text : string The text to be displayed by this BitmapText object. Source
dirty : boolean The dirty state of this object. Source code:
[readonly] children : Array.<Displa
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