fireFrom : Phaser.Rectangle This is a Rectangle
shots : number The total number of bullets this Weapon has fired so far.You can limit the number of shots allowed (via
fireAtXY(x, y) → {
bulletAngleVariance : number This is a variance added to the angle of Bullets when they are fired.If you fire from an angle
bulletRotateToVelocity : boolean Bullets can optionally adjust their rotation in-flight to match their velocity.This can
bulletKey : string The Texture Key that the Bullets use when rendering.Changing this has no effect on bullets in-flight,
fireAtPointer(pointer) → {Phaser.Bullet}
bulletKillDistance : number If you've set bulletKillType to Phaser.Weapon.KILL_DISTANCE this controls
bulletWorldWrap : boolean Should the Bullets wrap around the world bounds? This automatically callsWorld.wrap
killAll() → {Phaser.Weapon}
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