game : Phaser.Game A reference to the currently running Game
autoCull : boolean A Game Object with autoCull set to true will check its bounds against the World Camera every frame
alive : boolean A useful flag to control if the Game Object is alive or dead. This is set automatically by the Health components
tintedTexture :Canvas A canvas that contains the tinted version of the Sprite (in Canvas mode, WebGL doesn't populate this)
anchor :Point The anchor sets the origin point of the texture.The default is 0,0 this means the texture's origin is the top
setTexture(texture, destroy) Sets the texture of the sprite. Be warned that this doesn't remove or destroy
smoothed : boolean Enable or disable texture smoothing for this Game Object. It only takes effect if the Game Object is
bottom : number The sum of the y and height properties.This is the same as y + height - offsetY.
alignTo(parent, position, offsetX, offsetY) → {Object}
kill() → {PIXI.DisplayObject} Kills a Game Object. A killed Game Object has its alive
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