update() Override this method in your own custom objects to handle any update requirements.It is called immediately after preUpdate
getLocalBounds() → {Rectangle} Retrieves the non-global local bounds of the Sprite as a rectangle
loadTexture(key, frame, stopAnimation) Changes the base texture the Game
[readonly] fresh : boolean A Game Object is considered fresh if it has just been
[readonly] type : number The const type of this object.
debug : boolean A debug flag designed for use with Game.enableStep.
[readonly] z : number The z depth of this Game Object within its parent Group.No two
frameName : string Gets or sets the current frame name of the texture being used to render this Game Object. To change the
input : Phaser.InputHandler | null The
blendMode : number The blend mode to be applied to the sprite. Set to PIXI.blendModes.NORMAL to remove any blend mode. Warning:
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