top : number The y coordinate of the Game Object.This is the same as y - offsetY.
revive(health) → {PIXI.DisplayObject} Brings a 'dead' Game Object
[readonly] destroyPhase : boolean As a Game Object runs through its destroy method this flag
moveDown() → {PIXI.DisplayObject} Moves this Game Object down one place in its parents display list
texture : PIXI.Texture The texture of the
getLocalBounds() → {Rectangle} Retrieves the non-global local bounds of the displayObjectContainer
removeChild(child) → {DisplayObject}
kill() → {PIXI.DisplayObject} Kills a Game Object. A killed Game Object has its alive
scaleMin : Phaser.Point The minimum scale this Game
[readonly] offsetY : number The amount the Game Object is visually offset from its y coordinate
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