isPixelPerfect() → {boolean} Is this object using pixel perfect checking? Returns
pointerOut(pointerId) → {boolean} Is the Pointer outside of this Sprite
bringToTop : boolean If true when this Sprite is clicked or dragged it will automatically be bought to the top of the Group it
start(priority, useHandCursor) → {
snapY : number When a Sprite has snapping enabled this holds the height of the snap grid.
allowHorizontalDrag : boolean Controls if the Sprite is allowed to be dragged horizontally.
pointerDown(pointerId) → {boolean} If the Pointer is down this returns
useHandCursor : boolean On a desktop browser you can set the 'hand' cursor to appear when moving over the Sprite.
disableSnap() Stops the sprite from snapping to a grid during drag or release. Source
draggable : boolean Is this sprite allowed to be dragged by the mouse? true = yes, false = no
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