[readonly] worldY : number The world Y coordinate of the most recently active pointer.
justPressedRate : number The number of milliseconds below which the Pointer is considered justPressed.
[readonly] totalActivePointers : integers The total number of active Pointers, not counting
doubleTapRate : number The number of milliseconds between taps of the same Pointer for it to be considered a double tap / click
getPointerFromIdentifier(identifier) → {Phaser.Pointer}
onHold : Phaser.Signal A Signal that is dispatched
recordRate : number The rate in milliseconds at which the Pointer objects should update their tracking history.
keyboard : Phaser.Keyboard The Keyboard Input manager
[static] TOUCH_OVERRIDES_MOUSE : number Source code:
getPointer(isActive) → {Phaser.Pointer}
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