callAll(method, context, args) Calls a function, specified by name, on all on children. The function
debug : boolean Enable or disable debug drawing of this body Source code:
toLocalFrame(out, worldPoint) Transform a world point to local body frame. Parameters
clearCollision(clearGroup, clearMask, shape)
frameRate : number The frame rate the world will be stepped at. Defaults to 1 / 60, but you can change here. Also see useElapsedTime
setMaterial(material, fixtureKey) Parameters Name Type Description
divideAll(property, amount, checkAlive, checkVisible) Divides the given property by the amount on all children in this group. Group
getChildAt(index) → {DisplayObject}
parse() Parser for the output of Phaser.Physics.P2.Body#addPhaserPolygon Source
setMask(bit, fixtureKey) Parameters Name Type Description
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