
copyTransform(source, blendMode, roundPx) → {Phaser.BitmapData} Draws the given source Game Object to this BitmapData, using its worldTransform property to set theposition, scale and rotation of where it is drawn. This function is used internally by drawGroup.It takes the objects tint and scale mode into consideration before drawing. You can optionally specify Blend Mode and Round Pixels arguments. Parameters Name Type Argument Default Description source Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Image | Phase


ctx :CanvasRenderingContext2D A reference to BitmapData.context. Source code: gameobjects/BitmapData.js (Line 65)


copyRect(source, area, x, y, alpha, blendMode, roundPx) → {Phaser.BitmapData} Copies the area defined by the Rectangle parameter from the source image to this BitmapData at the given location. Parameters Name Type Argument Default Description source Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Image | Phaser.Text | Phaser.BitmapData | Phaser.RenderTexture | Image | string The Image to copy from. If you give a string it will try and find the Image in the Game.Cache. area Phaser.Rectangle The Rectangle


context :CanvasRenderingContext2D The 2d context of the canvas. Source code: gameobjects/BitmapData.js (Line 60)


copy(source, x, y, width, height, tx, ty, newWidth, newHeight, rotate, anchorX, anchorY, scaleX, scaleY, alpha, blendMode, roundPx) → {Phaser.BitmapData} Copies a rectangular area from the source object to this BitmapData. If you give null as the source it will copy from itself. You can optionally resize, translate, rotate, scale, alpha or blend as it's drawn. All rotation, scaling and drawing takes place around the regions center point by default, but can be changed with the anchor parameter


cls() Clears the BitmapData context using a clearRect. Source code: gameobjects/BitmapData.js (Line 457)


clear(x, y, width, height) → {Phaser.BitmapData} Clears the BitmapData context using a clearRect. You can optionally define the area to clear.If the arguments are left empty it will clear the entire canvas. You may need to call BitmapData.update after this in order to clear out the pixel data,but Phaser will not do this automatically for you. Parameters Name Type Argument Default Description x number <optional> 0 The x coordinate of the top-left of the area to clear. y number &


circle(x, y, radius, fillStyle) → {Phaser.BitmapData} Draws a filled Circle to the BitmapData at the given x, y coordinates and radius in size. Parameters Name Type Argument Description x number The x coordinate to draw the Circle at. This is the center of the circle. y number The y coordinate to draw the Circle at. This is the center of the circle. radius number The radius of the Circle in pixels. The radius is half the diameter. fillStyle string <optional> If set the c


blendXor() → {Phaser.BitmapData} Sets the blend mode to 'xor' Returns Phaser.BitmapData - This BitmapData object for method chaining. Source code: gameobjects/BitmapData.js (Line 2156)


canvas :HTMLCanvasElement The canvas to which this BitmapData draws. Source code: gameobjects/BitmapData.js (Line 54)