autoExpandBulletsGroup : boolean Should the bullet pool run out of bullets (i.e. they are all in flight) then thisboolean
fire(from, x, y) → {
trackRotation : boolean If the Weapon is tracking a Sprite, should it also track the Sprites rotation?This is useful for
[static] KILL_NEVER : integer A bulletKillType constant that stops the bullets
trackOffset : Phaser.Point The Track Offset is a Point
forEach(callback, callbackContext, args) → {
trackSprite(sprite, offsetX, offsetY, trackRotation)
autofire : boolean Will this weapon auto fire? If set to true then a new bullet will be firedbased on the fireRate
bulletInheritSpriteSpeed : boolean When a Bullet is fired it can optionally inherit the velocity of the trackedSprite
addBulletAnimation(name, frames, frameRate, loop, useNumeri
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